Poor Eugenia, she’s so rich!!
Born and raised in Sussex, England, Eugenia Frost moved to London early on in her career. The four years following her relocation resulted in duress and experience inconsistent with her youth, considering that Eugenia is only twenty-four. (Or so she says. There is actually a rumor floating around that she might be much older as the actual figure changes every time someone asks her!)
Frost is very talented and imaginative, but she has found herself in the middle of a feud of epic proportions. How could she have imagined that an innocent flirtation with the womanizing owner of Missima cosmetics, Perry Marino, would lead to such high-profile public drama over the last 18 months? Who knew she would end up married to him and at the head of the company? Certainly not she! All the girl wanted was to be noticed by the big guns and go up the business ladder–And that she did!
Between having to flee the London social scene in disgrace after her affair with the cosmetic magnate was exposed and her triumphant return (married to Marino and at the head of a suspiciously restructured Missima), she’s had very little time to make sure her position was completely secured. Although Eugenia currently feels confident enough in her position, at her young age she has yet to learn to cover her rear. Even though she has managed to surprise a very doubtful board of directors and has come up with very creative ideas that have slowly put Missima back in the game, everyone in the industry is still questioning Perry’s decision to give the position to her as a wedding present. This move is being perceived as quite frivolous, and Marino’s reputation has been sealed with most investors who no longer trust him. Eugenia is simply trapped in her role at the moment: the role of the young and glamorous CEO everyone is constantly talking about & darling child of the press so to speak.
The truth, however, lacks a lot of luster. Eugenia is highly uncertain of her future and has been rumored recently to have formed a secret partnership with rival CEO Veronique Perrin, who has seen much potential in the girl and admires her resolve. Veronique fully realizes that Eugenia is nothing else than a puppet trapped in a set of very unfortunate circumstances & totally caught in the eye of a storm that is momentarily stalled but is gathering force to roar once more. Simply said, something big is in the works at Missima; and inexperienced Eugenia can’t put her finger on it. Right now, all she can do is keep up with the image and hope for the best.
Best Friend: None really, except Veronique Perrin, who pities her and helps her anyway she can (as discretely as possible of course.)
Foe: The shadow of Natalia Fatale that stills looms over her head everywhere she goes.
Love Interest: Naively in love with Perry Marino
Mentor and Personal Guide: Veronique Perrin (although if anyone finds out, they both know it would be a huge scandal)
Loves: Gorgeous frilly things and power
Hates: Uncertainty and instability