My hosting provider has double billed me for making changes they asked me to make. I do not believe the future of this site is with this provider so I will be working to move this website to another host. During this time the site may go down but I will do my best to limit the disruption!
I love to provide this website to all collectors at no cost or irritating ads, so the change is important for me to be able to afford the site. Many people have donated and I want to thank you all for every dollar. All of it has gone to support this site — I’m not making profit 🙂 and I don’t aim to.
For now, enjoy and I have future upgrades and info coming to help all collectors on many IT doll related topics! Love you all!!
Kel, the 12″ Lumberjack 😉
You may notice the donate button above. I’ve recently had to increase my number of servers and CPUs for this site due to it’s popularity! I’ve kept this site free of ads so far as I feel ads slow down sites and affect the experience. However, if anyone would like to donate something to help cover the monthly expenses of this site, it is welcomed and appreciated (but not required!).
My goal with this site is to consolidate all the information surrounding Integrity dolls into one place. It’s a labour of love and also a lot of labour! I plan to eventually complate all the collector lines that Integrity has offered in the present, past and of course the future.
If you find anything incorrect on this site or if I have inadvertently used a photo of yours and you would like credit for it (or to have it removed) please contact me at or on the WClub forums (I’m Lumberjack there!). Please also contact me if you have any photos for dolls that are rare or did not receive official Integrity Toys promo shots.
I must give credit where it is due. So much information for this site has come from wonderful W Club members and other Integrity Toys reference sites. My goal was to make a site where pictures of the dolls are very easy to review by line and collection.
- JennFL whose Excel database provided tons of information on this site as well as photos. I’m not sure who knows more about IT dolls than her!
- Tara aka. ScaryDollPerson for photos and info and fun conversations!
- Alison Rasmussen at Fashion Doll Review for photos and info and a great doll blog!
- Fashion Royalty Reference List – The most exhaustive site I have found on Integrity Toys’ collections.
- Integrity Toys Reference Info – An amazing site for skin tone and head sculpt information.
- Lori’s Doll World – A fantastic site for all IT dolls released, complete with Item Numbers.
- Fashion Doll Chronicles – A great doll blog beyond Integrity Toys that gave me lots of information on Convention Dolls.
- Desperately Seeking Dolls – Another great doll blog that helped me confirm and clarify a lot of information.
- Integrity Toys Reference Site – Another exhaustive reference site I’ve enjoyed a lot.
- FR Hub – Great site by Mandy4384 – contains a lot of early info on FR and early conventions, as well as the most exhaustive Story Card compilation I’ve seen.
I am still adding data to the website but currently most lines are complete but Fashion Royalty and NuFace are complete from 2008-2017 (work will now continue on these pages!) The Poppy Parker section is now fully up to date!
Hover over the picture to see all the info pertaining to that doll and click the name of the doll for more pictures. You can filter dolls on the left using the checkboxes.
Thanks, and enjoy! Kel.
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