Poppy Parker / The Industry Bodies (the petite girls!)

  • Poppy Parker 1.0 – Poppy Parker premiered in 2009 with a kitten-heeled flat foot. This body has handspeak, but is not “explodable”.
  • Poppy Parker 1.5 – Poppy Parker became explodable in 2017. This would allow for Poppy to use the Industry lower leg and heel.
  • The Industry 1.0 – The Industry Body premiered in 2016 in the I Heart MLP line first, before the first official Industry doll (Lady Stardust Tulabelle True) was released.
Poppy Parker Flat Foot

  • Poppy Parker 1.0 bodies are not explodable, but they do have handspeak.
  • Poppy Parker 1.5 bodies can have either flat feet or Industry high heeled feet.
  • The first Poppy Parker dolls with High Heels were a hybrid body (likely with Dynamite Girls 2.0 lower legs) but were not explodable.
  • Poppy Parker’s flat feet are smaller than the flat feet designed for the Fashion Royalty (FR2013, FR6.0) and NuFace bodies (NF3.0).
Poppy Parker High Heel

  • The first Poppy Parker 1.5 body was released in 2017. You can change the lower leg with the Industry or East 59th bodies with any of these Poppy Parker bodies!
The Industry 1.0

  • The Industry body is similar in height to the high heeled Poppy Parker 1.5 body, but has a different silhouette.
  • Poppy is more hippy and busty than the Industry but clothes are often shareable!